
All About Me
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He, my name is Shadowsphinks, and I'v created this site for people who love Harry Potter Fanfiction. I have something for everyone. I have male and female slash, along with het. If you don't see a pairing you like
                                                                   line and I'll see what I can do. If you have any you wish to see here let me know and I'll work it out. If you want to submit you work to me lt me know, or we can link it to my link's page.    

I will have a page up later on with a challenges on it and if you want to answer on of them let me know and I will put the link underneith the challenge.
Have any good challenges you want to have put up on the site challenge page?  Drop them by me and I'll put them up. I will except most ratings.   

Link of the Month
August 2004


Does anyone know how I can get hold of Madbyrd?
None of the pics. used on my sit are mine.

Email or Review with any Feedback, submissions, ideas. I do NOT own Harry Potter. The characters are being used with out permission for a non-profit purpose. no money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended. I own what did'nt come from the canon series. I also don't own anything from the other fanfiction I write like Outsiders, Harry Potter, Tuck Everlasting, or Lord of the Rings. The other authors that will have there fanfiction posted or linked to my site don't own anything from the fanfiction but there own characters, plots, and other mad things that come from there twisted minds. Everything will have warnings on them.